I used to write reviews of Doctor Who episodes, but I don't do that anymore. Partly because I realised that my reviews weren't very informative or useful to anybody - I tended to say variations on "Gosh, that was good" and "Hmm, didn't like this one so much". It felt like it needed more than a rating, it required analysis, which I am not very good at; especially so soon after having watched each episode; having to be careful about spoilers (my own choice); and only seeing part of the season, so story arcs or two part episode reviews were left hanging.
Anyway, this also is not a review, but it is a comparison. The latest episode of Doctor Who was about the impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh, someone whose work I very much admire, and they very cleverly included in the episode some shots of his inspirations. So I thought I'd show some of the ones I recognised. There may be others I missed.
3 days ago
1 Reasoned Responses:
That is too clever.
I've been frustrated that the cable providers in my area don't carry a channel that shows Dr. Who.